Downloading and Installing Ding

Ding is the main application for Dinging. Download it by clicking the button below.

Once you have downloaded and installed the client, run it. Depending on the version of Windows and any security software you have installed, you may get several warnings and have to tell it to go ahead several times - when you try to install it, when you try to run it, and when it tries to connect to the server. Unfortunately this is unavoidable without paying for Microsoft certification, which is not feasible for a hobby application.

If you are having trouble downloading and installing, see the Installing on Windows page.

Once connected, enter your name, and either select a tower to join (if there is one) or create a new one. Towers are transient - they disappear as soon as the last person leaves - so the first person in will have to recreate it each time. All towers are publicly visible, so please use the description to say if all welcome, or if it is a closed practice, etc. Note that your name must be unique within the tower - e.g. you can't have two David's - that would be confusing!

You're now ready to start using Ding, but you may want to download and install Bob first.